Hi everyone!
I just finished decorating my mantel for spring! I know… I’m a little late 😉
It’s simple and has all my loves:
PB clear glass candle holders,
and some lovely ginger jars I got from a garage sale a few years back.
It’s very simple and fresh with a touch of blue to echo all the blue accent cushions I brought in for spring.

The blue and white elements with the warm texture of the wooden baskets will flow right into my summer decor when I’ll add some beachy/nautical pieces.

I Love these large hydrangea bushes!
I get them for $20 at Cosco every April. I’ll leave them to bloom a little longer in their basket and then I’ll cut the blossoms off and make little bouquets all over the house!
You can’t beat 20 bucks for several large bouquets of beautiful hydrangeas.
The left over plant can then be transplanted into your garden.