Hello everyone! I’ve been busy the last few days trying to clean up from the remains of Christmas and New years as well as learning how to work my new Nikon D90! I’m so excited about my new camera…and also, a little afraid!
It is quite intimidating to look at (oops, should have shown you all a pic of it, but I’m sure you all have the general idea.)
I’m up to my ears in aperature, depth of field, shutter speed and whatnot, hardly know what any of that means but I’m working on figuring it out!
I’v also been working on tuning up this blog but have to admit I am so computer illiterate! I still have to make a button and don’t have a clue how to do it, (If any of you know an EASY way of describing how to do it I’d sure appreciate it.) Kristin at My uncommon slice of Suburbia just posted some how to’s which were great but I’m still not understanding the whole button thing, its very frustrating.
I thought I’d better change my header due to all the Christmas content, and just used some of my practice pics. I may change it again as I take new pics
Here is Butters my little chihuahua, how adorable is that little face?
Yes…yes, I STILL have some greenery up in the kitchen.

Ok, this pic was taken the other night and it is not very good I know but I was too lazy to take another and wanted to show you all my garbage find. I seen this ladder by the side of the road while Butters and I were walking the other night and had to take it home. It is a pale grey with chippy paint and apparently belonged to “Dale” lol
My husband seen it standing there in the morning and said “what a find!” I thought he would just say “oh you found some more garbage” I was so impressed that he could appreciate the vintage aspect of my little find! He is learning!
BTW, the greenery and Christmassy stuff is all down from the family room.