You will need a drill, a 1.5 inch spade bit or a 1.5 inch orbital bit? (Not exactly sure what that one is called and the knower of all names aka my husband is not around) Using the spade bit is much easier and far quicker as it reduces 1 step. when I first tried this project I didn’t have a spade bit so I had to do it the hard way. You should have a tape measure, pen, flat head screwdriver if using that orbital bit and Tealight candles.

First, lay down your piece of driftwood and see which side you prefer as well as where your piece sits level.
Take out your tape measure and mark where to place your holes. Or you can eyeball it like I did.
This is the 1.5 ( or1 1/2) size spade bit

Center your bit over your mark and apply pressure. It may be easier to do on the floor. The table works for my back! Start drinlling.

I have a level on the end of my drill. You want to keep it level so that your candle will sit level.

If you decide to use this bit, remember to place a mark on your bit at the depth you want your bit to go in the wood. I wanted my candles just at or above the wood line to decrease risk of setting the piece on fire.

You will have to tap out the wood that is still left with this bit which wasn`t difficult but time consuming, however, both bits were 1.5 inch but this orbital bit left a bigger hole and was easier to place the tealight candles into than the spade bit.

Please make sure that you use the tealight candles with the metal around them (most come this way from ikea and Walmart etc.) as this will decrease the chance of your piece catching fire! Also, make sure that your holes are flat and even so the candle doesn`t sit sideways, you will get wax everywhere.